Ritesh Warke
Sharing is caring, so goes the social media saying. Blogging is an act that is surrounded by sharing and caring for people who are like friends to us. If you are a blogger, your blog is the medium which you are using to care for people who are really in need of your help. Ways of helping them could be in any form – it could be in form of a spoken work through a Youtube video, or a written word inside your blog post or through some other means.
The truth of the matter is that, you just need to help other to meet their needs – that is the basic truth about blogging and any other thing after that shouldn’t concerns you much. Immediately you are able to master the act of sharing what you know with group of peoples who are earnestly searching or looking for that information – you will begin to become more popular and you will be closer to success.
I have in this article to share with you three major secrets to help become a better a blogger by attaining success fast while doing what you love to do best, blogging of course!
Don’t Be Too Lazy to Share Your Knowledge with Other People
Since blogging is all about sharing what you have with people who need them most, you should not be too lazy to share those things with them. Find new ways to simplify sharing of new ideas, tips and guides with your blog or social media followers. Never let a day pass without sharing one or two information with people – it could be through social media update or via your blog post. Just make sure that you are sharing useful information with people every day. With that, they will see you as an authoritative personality in that niche; and that could land you a great recognition in that field as time goes on. On the long run, you could even land yourself a great deal with the top performer in your business niche when you don’t suffer people with what you know.
Like What You Are Doing and Do What You Love Best
Love your work! That is the basic truth about becoming successful in life. If you want to attain success fast, never have any negative thinking about your business - your website is your business as a blogger. Make your website your passion and you will begin to see changes that would make you become a better blogger.
Norman Vincent Pearle said in his book,
“In God We Trust”: “that no one in any kind of position can succeed unless he loves his job.” If you love your blog –which is your job, you will become popular and attain success faster in your area of expertise. And it is certain that when your blog becomes popular, you too will become very much popular because you are the owner of that blog (you’re the brain behind the success of that blog).
As an aspiring successful blogger, you must always comes out of your bed every morning with good taught for your blog, your blog readers, your social media followers and every other things pertaining to your blog in general.
Never be afraid of challenges –prepare for them before time
Don’t be afraid of challenges, but rather, prepared for them before they arrives. One of the major things that makes many bloggers quit is when they begin to be afraid of failure. Don’t be afraid of anything; just keep your head straight and focus on being the best you’ve dreamt of becoming. Don’t allow challenges and problems threatening you to bring you down – they can lower your chance of becoming Uber-successful as a blogger. Successful people, or should I say successful bloggers do one thing in common; they don’t allow fear of failure or challenges of life to get rid of their chances of becoming successful. So, you too must avoid such as well.
I really sucked at blogging… There was just no hope for me…
But, I wasn’t going to give up “There had to be a way to achieve blogging success” – I thought to myself.
How about you?
Have you ever wondered why do 9 out of 10 bloggers just give up?
Why does it seem so difficult when top bloggers are making boatloads of cash every single month?
The answer is Patience.
URL: http://www.addvalue.com.au
Here’s the thing, if you haven’t got a blog or if you have a blog that’s not pulling in traffic and income, then you’re missing out big time. Why?
A blog is now considered to be the new business card. What is the first thing people do when they look at your business card? That’s right – they go to your website to find more about you and your business.
URL: http://www.addvalue.com.au
I found some interesting things and I will apply to the development of my blog. Thanks for sharing useful information. Your article actually have some great points on that my friends will find this helpful, I must share this to them, Great job!
Vibes @ Upper Serangoon
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Ritesh Warke