So What do you think? Will Pagerank and Backlinks Loss their Importance in the eyes of Google in Future?
If you will ask my opinion then I will simply say a big NO.
Pagerank is directly proportional to dofollow backlinks pointing to your blogs. Now a days its very easy to automate backlinks with autobots so some webmasters have made their minds that in future backlinks and concurrently the pagerank are going to loss their inporance in google ranking algorithms.
If you are one of these webmaster then I will like to ask you , what do you think will be the most important factor that will be counted in Google's ranking algorithm?
Undoubtedly I know the the only answer that rising in your minds now. Isn't it's Unique Content?
Yes you are not wrong but not correct too.
Let me explain it,
Talking about Unique content, a meaningless self written paragraph is also a unique content in the eys of google bots. Come on google uses crawlers not humans to crawl and examine your content and these bots can not really decide the quality of content they can only decide if the content is copied or unique even spun.
The only way by which google can decide quality of a blog is by counting quality backlinks pointing to it.
There is no chance that google going to ignore backlinks and their own decided currency i.e. pagerank in google ranking algorithms.
Yes Unique content is a king but backlinks are Pioneers of your blogging empire.
A content is always judged and will be judged on the basis of backlinks.
I just want to thank you for enlightening my mind because I migrated to new domain and my PR reset to zero so I know I have to make more backlinks again :).
It seems that every blogger in the planet is increasingly motivated by SEO, rankings or ratings for a million purpose or should I say for only one mission... to be the cream of the crop.
@marri, well thats truth :)
You familiar with LinkWithin? Is it an effective way of backlinking?
Now I have second thoughts of posting those free PR kits provided by advertisers when they organized events.. (I rarely attend events though, but sometimes there the 'paki-post lng' thingy)
I only have a PR1 page rank but google always put me on their pages. My cousin said I only have PR1 because I have duplicate content in wordpress. Yes, I created a blog in wordpress duplicating every post I have in blogspot for back up. What should I do then so I can have a better page rank?
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Ritesh Warke