Brainstorming is a very effective tool when it comes to plotting the course of your blog. A lot of people ask me about blog time management and brainstorming is a perfect way to help ease your stress.
So what makes a good brainstorming session?
1. Write Everything Down
It’s vital that you write everything down that comes from your mind during a brainstorming session. Something that you may think is inconsequential may spark an idea for your next post! I use a flipchart but grab a scrap piece of paper or write it down in a notebook. And don't throw it out once you have used up those ideas. Use it as a launching pad for your next brainstorming session!
2. Don't Reject Ideas
It’s easy to think an idea won't work, but write it down anyway. Often, I've rejected an idea and then taken a closer look at it a few hours later and realized that it would make a really good post!
3. Think outside the Box
This is a cliché saying so forgive me, but what I mean is, think outside your comfort zone. If you find yourself writing the same old boring thing for your blog posts, take a step back and see how you can make it new again. Take time to think about what the client REALLY wants and not what you think they want. Spice it up and make it fun!
4. Use a Partner
Having someone to bounce ideas off of is a great asset. Grab a fellow blogger or even a non-blogger to toss around ideas. One of my brainstorm buddies doesn't even work in the business but he routinely comes up with great ideas for me. (It also helps that he’s a guy and can give a guy perspective).
5. Use Your Surroundings
Look around you for inspiration. Is there something in your home setting that could give you an idea? If not, go for a walk. Head to the coffee shop and see what you find there. Perhaps you are inspired to write a devious cat and mouse type post with a coffee shop setting? Or maybe it’s all about how your character masturbated in the back row of a movie theatre. Use your surroundings and you will come up with new ideas.
These are some tips to get you started! Good luck with your blogs and your brainstorming!
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Ritesh Warke