Why You Need a Website
In today’s fast paced, well connected world having your own personal website or a website for your business is becoming a necessity. The first place many people go today to search for a person or business is online and having a hub that can draw in people who are looking for you is becoming more important every day. Having a site that you can draw people into can enable you to build a base where you can draw your audience or customer base through other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Having a place that you can setup as your landing spot for your online marketing or networking activities is an essential when trying to build a web presence.
The Top Low Cost Website Platforms
Whether you are an individual or a small business owner there are great platforms available that can help you to create a website that fits your individual needs. Creating a website using platforms like WordPress, Tumblr, Squarespace or Google Blogger can enable website owners to have a free or low cost platform that is easy to use and can built in very little time.
The Platforms for Web Developers
If you are hiring a web developer or have experience in writing code, there are other platforms that may be more suited for your website. While both WordPress and Squarespace are set up to enable users to write their own code, these are platforms that are more designed for point and click web builders. For tips on how to make a website with other platforms that enable you to write code, simple do a web search of the top low cast website hosting companies. To make a website that allows for your own custom domain, you must first find a domain registrar and find a domain that is currently available for sale. Upon buying the domain it is then possible to point the domain to whichever platform you choose to use in developing your website.
Small Business Websites for E-commerce
If you are looking to set up an e-commerce website for your small business, there are many different things that you will need to understand. Platforms such as Shopify, Ebay stores and Yahoo Stores enable small business owners to sell their products to consumers through their own personal customizable web store. The main thing to consider here is the freedom in which you are able to operate on these platforms as some allow for more customizable elements than others. Shopify is without question the most easily customizable platform and this platform also allows for integration to a variety of different e-commerce plug-ins such as Amazon fulfillment and PayPal Payment processing.
For beginners looking for a flexible platform with great tutorials that will coach them in how to create a website that will enable them to sell their products online, Shopify is a great platform to use. Ebay Stores and Yahoo Stores are also interesting platforms to utilize as well and clearly with the backing of such large company’s behind them, they are a great way to draw traffic to your e-commerce website. Many companies will choose to implement a strategy that uses more than one of these platforms. For example this may be a small business that runs their main website through Shopify, yet also uses an Ebay store to reach out to consumers that are looking to purchase on the Ebay website.
Get Your Website Started Today
The best thing that you can do to begin building your web presence today is to choose a platform and begin building your website today. There are great platforms available to you that can make your web building process very easy and there are support systems in place through many of these platforms that enable you to solve issues that may arise along the way.
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Ritesh Warke